Junior Girls Wanted to Complete Mini-Roos Teams (U6, U7, U9, U11)

Following the registration period, the club still has vacancies in some of its junior girls teams.

We are currently on the lookout for junior girls in the following ages to allow us to completely fill our squads.

  • U6
  • U7
  • U9
  • U11

If you know anyone who may be interested please contact the club at gardensuburbfc@macquariefootball.net.au

To register, please go to http://www.myfootballclub.com.au For assistance, check out our guide here. Self_Rego_2017

We will continue finalising numbers at the Tuesday night committee meeting and will advise of any vacancies in other teams. If you are a returning player (boy or girls) who hasn’t registered, please go online and register so you don’t miss out.

Garden Suburb FC receives a grant to realign number 3 field.

The club is pleased to announce that it has received a grant through the NSW Governments “Community Building Partnership Scheme” to realign the number 3 ground to provide a second full sized field with the same dimensions as Lance Yorke.

The new ground will run east-west and it is planned to leave the old goals in place for training.

Works will involve,

  • Relocation of the Cricket Pitch to the east.
  • Turfing of the old cricket pitch area.
  • Installation of fencing along the carpark end of the field.
  • Installation of new goal posts.

it is hoped that the creation of a second full sized pitch will allow for the load to be spread from Lance Yorke while also allowing additional Friday night matches.

Newcastle Permanent Coach of the Month Award

Congratulations to our Under 10’s Coach Shane McGowan who was the Macquarie Associations recipient of the Newcastle Permanent Community Coach of the Month Award for June.

The Newcastle Permanent Community Coach of the Month Award is awarded monthly from April to September to a coach that makes a significant contribution to their team, club and/or community.

This is not aimed at results or winning, but a coach who provides a positive experience for all involved.

You can nominate a coach at http://northernnswfootball.com.au/coach-of-the-month-award/

Garden Suburb FC Sponsorship

Its that time of the year that the Kingfishers are seeking club sponsors for the upcoming 2015 season.

We are a small community minded club an rely on local business to support our great club and in turn provide the best football environment possible to all teams in the club. From U6’s through to All Age and Zone Premier League, sponsorship assists the club in supporting the teams.

Sponsorships available range from

Playing Shirt Sponsorship

  • Zone Premier League (1st grade $1,500, Reserve Grade $1,250, 3rd Grade $1000, or all three grades for $3,000).
  • U6, 7, 8, 9 – $500 per age group.
  • U10 & 11 – $500 per team
  • U12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 – $600 per team.
  • All Age Men, Women and O35’s – $750 per team

Field Signage

  • $750 + cost of sign
  • For shirt sponsors, there is a discounted rate for field signage, refer to attached Sponsorship document)

Playing Shorts and Sleeve sponsorships are also available. For more info on pricing and benefits for sponsors, please view the attached pdf.

Garden Suburb FC will provide a tax invoice for all sponsorships.

Please contact Leonard Allen (President) on 0421 278 619 or Ryan Ansell (Treasurer) on 0400 394 170 or via email gardensuburbfc@macquariefootball.net.au for more information.

Garden Suburb FC