Employment Opportunity – Coaches for ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off for Girls & MiniRoos Step Up Programs.

Employment Opportunity – Coaches for ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off for Girls & MiniRoos Step Up Programs.

Garden Suburb Football Club is seeking applications for coaches to become part of the 2018 ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off for Girls program and MiniRoos Step Up program.

ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off for Girls is Northern NSW Footballs introductory football program for girls aged 4 – 9. The program uses short, game-based sessions to introduce the sport of football to newcomers in a fun and inclusive way and provides grassroots football participants with more opportunities to try the world game

MiniRoos Step Up is designed for both girls and boys aged 6-11, who already have foundational football skills. This program offers young players the opportunity to continue their MiniRoos experience at the next level. They will have short, game-based sessions aimed at the intermediary skill level, mixed with fun.

Both programs run for 8 weeks during term 4 (22ndOctober – 10thDecember) on Monday afternoons.

Coaching Opportunities 

Successful applicants must attend a modified coaching certificate and ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off training/ information session. This course will be held in each area sometime early in October.

If you are interested in becoming part of this program, please submit a resume and cover letter outlining the below to gsfcsummerfootball@gmail.com

  • Current involvement with football and/or other sports
  • Any coaching experience
  • Any refereeing experience
  • Why you would like to be part of the ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off program in 2018
  • Which program you have an interest in coaching
  • If you are available for the entirety of the program (8 weeks)
  • What qualities you would bring to the program

Please note: If you are over the age of 18 you will need to hold relevant Working with Children Check; Employment is subject to WWCC clearance.

Applications close 5pm Friday 14thSeptember 2018.

For more information on the program please visit: http://northernnswfootball.com.au/miniroos/miniroos-kick-off-for-girls/

If you have any question regarding this opportunity please contact Michelle Forbes via email gsfcsummerfootball@gmail.comor by phone 0421285301.

Position Outline

Coaches will be in charge of a group of 10 participates at Garden Suburb Football Club for 45 minutes a week and will facilitate training as directed by the ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off for Girls/ Step Up session plans. The session plan is in line with the game-sense philosophy of sport participation. This approach to sport delivery emphasises a move away from traditional coach dominated sessions to those that are player-centred, using game-like situations rather than technical drills.

Coaches will be overseen by a Centre Coordinator and will have sufficient support throughout the program.

Coach responsibilities include:

  • Supervise a group of 10 players each week
  • Plan, prepare and deliver 30-minute coaching session each week (session plan provided)
  • Referee and coach during a 15-minute game each week
  • Keep session moving fluently, with animation, limiting stoppages and encouraging all players;
  • Create an environment that ensures all players have fun and have maximum involvement;
  • Be flexible, patient and positive.

Coaches are provided with a uniform shirt and are paid at a rate of $20 per session.

Please note: If you are over the age of 18 you will need to hold a relevant Working with Children Check; Employment is subject to WWCC clearance.

Just Kick It – Women’s Football Program Pilot Program

Just Kick It – Women’s Football Program Pilot Program

As a family orientated club, Garden Suburb Football Club has an enthusiastic approach to expanding footballing options for females.

We invite you to participate in our “Just Kick It – Women’s Football Program” this summer.

With new & “retired” players in mind (but not limited to), you will have the opportunity to discover for the first time or rediscover the basics of football.

Our vision is to deliver a program that offers women a relaxed, fun, connected environment, where you can be yourself and challenge yourself free of judgement, all whilst doing some outdoor fitness with mates.

In addition to this pilot program, we are promoting our social 6 a side women’s competition, which will also run on the same night, emphasising a judgement free zone.

To be notified of the program details as they become available, register your interest by completing the attached form and emailing it to gsfcsummerfootball@gmail.com

Expression of Interest – Pilot Program

2019 Junior Playing Shirts – Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Next season we are updating the junior kits with a fresh new strip.

The intent is that each junior will keep their shirts at the end of the season.

We are looking for front of shirt sponsors for junior teams to help offset the cost of the kit. We can also accommodate back of shirt and sleeve if teams or sponsors require this.

Sponsorship for front of shirt is as follows;

  • U6 and U7 – $500 for the entire age group (Boys or Girls)
  • U8 through U18 – $500 for an individual team

Options exist for rear of shirt sponsors if the front of shirt is taken.

For those that purchased shorts or socks this year, the colour is not changing so these will still be fine in coming seasons.

Spread the word about the new kit and if you are interested in sponsoring a team contact the club by email (gardensuburbfc@macquariefootball.net.au) or message us on Facebook.

Garden Suburb FC