Position Vacant: Junior Girls Development Technical Director

Garden Suburb FC are seeking expressions of interest for the role of Technical Director for Junior Girls Development.

This is an exciting opportunity for interested coaches to be involved in the construction of an elite girls junior development program.

Garden Suburb FC have a rapidly growing female player base and for season 2018 the club is seeking to implement a Junior Girls Development Program based on the Skills Training and Game Phases of Development. the Technical Director will oversee the development and growth of this program and coordinate program coaches.

A position description is available at Garden Suburb FC Technical Director Position Description

For more information or to lodge an expression of interest, please email gardensuburbfc@macquariefootball.net.au or call club President Leonard Allen on 0421278619.

Expressions of interest close November 17th 2017.

Any Junior girls interested in joining the program as a player can join our mailing list by contacting us at gardensuburbfc@macquariefootball.net.au

Macquarie Referees Courses

For any of our registered players who are considering becoming a referee please read below.

In support of this our club will reimburse the $45 fee for any registered player who successfully completes the course.

Details as follows:

A Level 4 Referee Course for new referees will be held at the Lake Macquarie Regional Football Facility at Speers Point on Sunday 19 November 2017 from 9.00am to 5.00pm. Participants who attend and pass the one day course will gain formal accreditation as a match official, enabling them to join our association and officiate with it next season on competition and Mini-Roos matches within the Macquarie football zone.

The cost to attend the course is $45.00, which includes the price of a Laws of the Game Book and a professional referee whistle. Registrations for the course are now open on My Football Club or through clicking on the following link:


Potential participants are welcome to contact Brad Carlin on the number below if they have any questions about the course or the process in becoming a referee.

Brad Carlin
Macquarie Football Referees Association Inc.
PO Box 173
Warners Bay NSW 2282
M: 0432 179 245
E: presidentmfrai@live.com.au
W: www.mfrai.com

Garden Suburb FC