Some initial information to get you ready. You know it won’t be long and we’re back into it!
To assist with the registration process for season 2018 we encourage all new and returning players to register and pay online. This should be available from 1 February 2018. For those new we have instructions to help you through the process or you can attend a registration day and a committee member can assist.
For those wishing to pay via cash or EFTPOS we will only be accepting these payments on our scheduled registration days, all other payments to be completed online via credit card or direct deposit.
Our registration days will be held at our major sponsor Cardiff RSL Club on the following dates:
Saturday 3rd February 10am – 1pm
Sunday 11th February 10am – 1pm
We will provide costs of registration early in the new year once we have been provided all the relevant information from the Association. We expect a small increase to the 2017 fees.
We will be registered to accept the vouchers under the NSW Government Active Kids program and will provide more information prior to registration.
We will provide regular updates in the new year however if you have any further questions please send us a Facebook message or an email to
Enjoy your Christmas and see you in 2018
Go the Kingfishers